The Comprehensive SEO Solution: In Plain English
Often we come across people and companies who have either been duped into spending money on SEO services which do not deliver or who are not entirely sure if SEO is the way to go for their business. Some companies who charge a “One size fits all” cost for services which vary as widely as SEO have caused a distinct confusion amongst a lot of marketing buyers who either think all SEO should cost £295 a month regardless of competition and return or that SEO is actually not real because they had such a small return for their money.
If you combine this misunderstanding with some of the more unruly salespeople for the larger companies who tell you that organic search engine rankings will change daily so you may be at number one on any given day and then page three the next then page one again the day after. Most of this information is designed not to explain and empower the customer but to encourage you to go with an alternative which is more profitable for the salesman and not you!
In todays internet rich world every company can benefit from better exposure to more people. Organic rankings are the holy grail in search engine marketing and once you have a high ranking for your keywords it becomes easier to rank for additional keywords. Coffee Black are a true white hat ethical SEO company and we pride ourselves on a few basic principles which we stick to for every part of our business.

Image via CrunchBase
Search Engine Marketing should be easy to understand with a straightforward billing process based on results and statistics.
Honest pricing and open methods. This means we are happy to disclose all of our methods and explain exactly what we are doing and why it is worth your hard earned cash. We believe that an open, honest approach will result in a much better business relationship in the long run as you are never left in the dark as to what is happening with your SEO campaign. Maintain regular contact by phone or email. Repeat contact builds relationships and ensures our customers can see what we are doing and why we are doing it. It also means those questions which you may have for us but have put off for a more convenient time can be answered quickly. It also means we are always on hand to provide any other services you might need such as a new website or landing page for a certain campaign.
Quick and easy, that is our main philisophy. Every part of your relationship with us should be just that and if you can find a wway to make things easier you just let us know and we will make any changes which make us better, stronger, faster or more efficient.
All our work is done based on facts and figures. We pay for access to large databses of search engine rankings and search amounts from several different services. Combine this information with reporting through Google analytics and other statictics programs and every one of our suggestions can be traced back to specific report items or statistics which have influenced our suggestions. In short everything we do we do for a reason.
Why Search Engine Marketing?
Any organisations that do not have good placements in search engines are missing huge opportunities for company branding, potential leads, and sales. This is not dependant on type of company or industry either. It is often thought that certain industries are more suited to online promotion than others but with the massive increase in use of the internet for almost every type of person, in all walks of life, it is now very important that your website appears in all of the places you expect it to. If you are not on Twitter or Facebook then you may be completely invisible to 50% of your possible customer base. (this is where the reporting and demographics information comes in really handy)
Our SEO Packages include a free initial telephone consultation where we can discuss possible improvements with you straight away from an initial audit of your website to a full marketing campaign to launch a new product or service.
- Proactive determination for how to get your selected keywords to top placement.
- Strategic keyword planning and analysis.
- Implementation of all services needed to get the placement we guarantee.
Image via Wikipedia
» What we Offer:
Below is our full service offering, which does all of the work required to get your site the highest placement and to keep it. We work hard to ensure that competition does not displace your ranking even in highly competitive industries. We:
- Compete effectively for highly competitive keywords.
- Drive maximum traffic to your site.
- Include a Placement Guarantee.
What this accomplishes for you is an extreme increase in leads, sales, and visibility. More importantly, it does so at the expense of your competition. We all know there is a finite amount of money flowing into any given industry, and our Corporate SEO services ensure that your company is in position to take one of the largest shares. We do this by placing your company near the top of the list when your customers search for your products, thus driving more eyes and more wallets to your site. Then, we ensure that your site is optimized to keep the interest of potential buyers and maximize your conversions and sales.
» How We Do It:
- Multi-Search Engine optimization – We optimize for Yahoo, Google, and MSN simultaneously.
- Strategic Link Building – All links are not created equal. Our network of partners enables us to provide high value, high trust links which make a significant impact on your placement.
- Page crawling optimization – We increase the number of visits from bots to update your site faster when changes occur.
- On-site page optimizations for titles, keywords, and meta tags.
- Content optimization.
- ‘Black hat’ defense monitoring.
- Link analysis of competition.
- Traffic/Site/Marketing analysis.