Pre Build SEO Report – Coffee Black SEO can provide you with a full Pre Build SEO report which will offer you everything you need to know in order to get a website off the ground.
The Pre Build SEO Report was designed to offer guidelines for the most recent SEO practices while developing a new website. Our Pre Build SEO Report is dependent on up-to-date SEO trends and techniques which can change at any moment. If information provided by Coffee Black SEO becomes out-of-date we will inform you of this and offer full guidance on any adjustments which may have been made according to the latest SEO trends. This ensures us to offer you with a good value proposition for your website.
When the planning process of a new website gets conducted an SEO strategy should be thought about and put in place at the very beginning. We are able to work with your selected keywords and search terms to provide suggestions for on-page SEO and off-page SEO, Coffee Black SEO are also able to provide keyword usage and recommendations for your new website.
Pre Build SEO Report includes:
Keyword Research and Analysis:
Keyword research is a vital aspect in all areas of internet marketing and is particularly relevant for online shops, location based goals and objectives, and higher visibility with competitive search terms. Crisp, compelling and unique content is favored by virtually all of the major search engines, however if you don’t make use of the words and phrases that the public is actually interested in and actively searching for, you’re losing out on a large amount of website traffic and are throwing away time and effort on search terms that don’t get searched. Coffee Black SEO can guide you to the ultimate SEO success that you will ever need, that’s if you allow us to of course. We can help you with search terms that get searched on a monthly basis and we can calculate how much website traffic you should get.
You can’t possibly evaluate your competitors SEO if you don’t know who they may be. That’s where our Pre Build SEO Report comes into play. Your business competitors could possibly be websites in your area of interest, websites that position for your biggest SEO keyword phrases, or direct rivals for your location based SEO keyword phrases. The list of your business competitors may be lengthier than you first thought and undoubtedly you can’t monitor every one of them. Our Pre Build SEO Report can demonstrate an array of strategies that let you know about your business competitors target SEO keywords.
Geographic Targeting:
For a lot of small or local businesses, geographic targeting acts an an effective role on the customers that they can serve. And so, to make sure that your business is reaching the correct type of audience on the internet within your target city, county or state it’s crucial that you have a powerful geographic strategy in place for local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
There’s obviously many of additional on-page SEO aspects of optimising for local search, including constant usage of geographic search phrases and local terms within your on-page meta data and webpage content, including your continuous blogging activity. But an additional area that will aid your domination of local search are all of the things which you can optimise for off your website. There are plugins available which make GEO targeting very simple, in just a few clicks you can target a local area and automatically incorporate meta data onto your webpage.
Directory and Menu Structure:
Search engines like Google are by far one of the most important sources of organic website traffic, which explains why SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is extremely important. Your websites internal structure determines whether or not a search engine understands what the subject of your website is and how easily it will find and index content related to your site’s purpose and intent.
A logical site hierarchy and a thoughtful folder/sub-folder structure for site content is essential particularly for SEO reasons. A human sitemap and XML sitemap has to be set as links some where on the website together with carefully selected keyword driven folder names, a good linking strategy (including use of menus and context navigation) will significantly build up SEO and PageRank results. Our Pre Build SEO Report demonstrates how a website should be structured to be able to achieve an healthier website for both humans and search engines.
Keywords and Meta Descriptions:
The meta tags and keywords used on a website are very important factors which need to be taken into account whilst implementing HTML code onto your web page. They are read by all of the major search engines but are not shown as a part of your web page design. Meta tags go above the actual content of a website, they are purely there for search engines and are not noticeable to the naked eye of a website visitor. Generally they include a concise overview of the webpage content and you should incorporate your related keywords into them. Most meta tags are included within the ‘header’ code of a website as mentioned. The most important tags are the title, description, keywords and robot tags. Coffee Black offer a Pre Build SEO Report that indicates how these meta tags should be used in web development and for SEO purposes.
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